Seated Above
Seated Above is the podcast of Brian Orme that empowers you to live an ascended life in Christ mystically, financially, physiologically, and governmentally.
Podcasting since 2023 • 15 episodes
Seated Above
Latest Episodes
The Governance of Rest
In this episode of the Seated Above Podcast, we explore the Governance of Rest. What does it look like to be governed in this way? What is the real strategy of the enemy in regards to our exertion? Is work part of the curse? Find out and more i...

Leadership Among the Diviners?
In this episode of the Seated Above Podcast, we explore the unusual role Daniel had in Babylon as the "Chief of the magicians". What would it look like for sons and daughters of God to have not only influence within spheres of society but to wa...
Season 1
Episode 13

The Apostolic in a New Era
What does it look like to operate in an apostolic way? What is the composition of an apostle? In this interview with Joseph Wilson on the Seated Above Podcast, we explore all of this and more. Join us for our two session workshop on New...
Season 1
Episode 12

Edenic Consciousness
Wonder, curiosity, and playfulness are powerful and valuable dynamics in the Kingdom of Heaven. They are key to entraining with the mind of Christ and operating in "Omni-thought" and returning to an Edenic Consciousness. In this Seated Above Po...
Season 1
Episode 10

Delight, Dominion, and Decay
What if we as the body of Christ have a cosmic purpose? The creation that has been subjected to decay (death/entropy) is groaning for the solution that is found in the freedom and glory of the children of God. In this Seated Above Podcast, we e...
Season 1
Episode 10